Thousands of Songs - We Have Them All!

Use our incredible Music Database for free, and make online requests for your event. You can search by keyword or browse our entire catalog, using optional features to view song lyrics, listen to song samples, and view song suggestions and up to four custom request lists for your event (including a “do not play” list). You can even add notes and /or dedications. Use our built-in default database of over 90,000 songs, updated weekly. Choose up to 100 songs per event, and your lists can be saved for ongoing progress!

How To Select Music

When you click the link below, a modal window will open and give you thousands of music selections. Find the song title you want, and if you click the title, all of the artists that sing a song with that title will appear. Choose the one you want, and add to your list by clicking the plus “+”sign. Delete by clicking the minus “-” sign.

You can also search by artist if you are not sure of the song title.

You can save your request list and revisit it later. To submit your completed request list, press the Submit List button.

To submit, you enter your event date, your name, email. You can reload your list and add to it at a later date as well!

You can also print your list – a new browser tab will open with the print option.
To load a previously saved request list, when you return, you reload your list by pressing the Load List button. Enter the event date and email you used to save your list. Your list will load, and you can add notes related to each song selected, you can “trashcan” any song, and you can continue to add to your list!

Search Our Music Library and Create a Request List
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